PhD in

Nursing Science

The PhD in Nursing Sciences program is offered by the Nursing Faculty at Universidad Andrés Bello. It was created in response to the Faculty’s main aim: “the integral training of nursing professionals, in undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral studies, with excellent academic and ethical criteria, based on both, the use of critical thinking and the generation of new knowledge in order to optimize the care of people’s health”.

Welcome to

Nursing Science

We invite you to contribute to the nursing discipline through the development of research focused on people’s healthcare and health systems management.

Brochure 2022

Specific Aims

  • To develop analysis and critical thinking abilities which allow the development of new knowledge related to people, families and communities’ care; addressing topics associated with both, individual, families and communities’ characteristics, and health care systems and organizations issues.
  • To integrate information from different scientific sources allowing them to do original and independent research which contributes towards the advance of research in nursing care.
  • To disseminate knowledge derived from research, orally and written, to the scientific community and the general public.
  • To train researchers who consider the application of ethical principles in the development of scientific research.

Graduate profile

Graduates from the PhD in Nursing Science from Universidad Andres Bellopossess analytical and critical thinking abilities which allow them to deconstruct knowledge to develop new ideas; to create and carry out original and independent research in the areas of people care and health management, and to communicate the findings to the scientific community and general public.

The program includes a solid training in the research methodology focused on identifying, posing and solving problems related to healthcare, allowing their applicability on different areas such as  nursing care, community care (targeting people, families and different groups’ needs) or health system management; always considering the ethical aspects involved.

From their research and disciplinary training, graduates are capable to work autonomously as researchers at higher-education institutions, research centers and public or private organizations, contributing to scientific and technological development.


At the end of the program, the graduate will be able to:

  • Develop relevant knowledge feasible to be used in the area of nursing care of people and communities, addressing topics related to people’s care and health management.
  • Effectively communicate results derived from research to the specialized and non-specialized audiences.
  • Incorporate ethical foundations in the development of scientific research based on national and international guidelines.

Research lines

The PhD in Nursing Science program from Universidad Andrés Bello is completely academic and comprehends two lines of research

This line encompasses the care given from nursing to people with health problems, including prevention, promotion and treatment aspects.

This line includes the study, problem solving and planning of processes applied on health care providers, systems and organizations.

Decree and Regulation

Program Director

Alejandra Araya G.

Nurse- Midwife. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD)

Academic Profile

Academic Faculty

Alejandra Araya G.

Nurse- Midwife. Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD)

Academic Profile

Carla Fardella C.

Psychologist. PhD in Psychology. (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain).

Naldy Febré V.

Nurse. PhD in Health Sciences /Epidemiology (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil).

Academic Profile

Claudia Miranda C.

Psychologist. Ph.D in Aging and Mental Health (University College London, United Kingdom).

Academic Profile

Juan Carlos Oyanedel S.

Sociologist - Commercial Engineer. PhD In Law, King’s College London (University Of London, United Kingdom).

Academic Profile

Victor Pedrero

Nurse. Master in Educational Measurement and Evaluation. PhD in Psychology (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).

Academic Profile

Katiuska Reynaldos G.

Nurse - Obstetrician - Commercial Engineer. PhD in Business Studies. (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Spain).

Academic Profile

Déborah Oliveira

Nurse, PhD in Health Sciences (University of Nottingham, Reino Unido).

Perfil del Académico

International Visiting Professors

Raquel Benavides

Nurse. PhD, University of Texas. Full Professor, Nursing Faculty. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico

María Cristina Cometto

Nurse. PhD in Health Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Profesora Titular, Escuela de Salud Pública. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.

Karina Gatamorta

Psychologist. PhD in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, University of Miami. Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Health Studies. University of Miami, USA

Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda

Nurse. PhD, University of Miami. Associate Professor, School of Nursing. Duke University. USA

Juanita Hoe

Enfermera. PhD in Mental Health Sciences, University College London. Division of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, City University of London, UK.

Carol Hullin

Nurse. PhD in Health Informatics, University of Melbourne. Senior Lecture of Digital Health at the School of Health Sciences at Swinburne University of Technology.

René Leyva

Médico Cirujano. Doctor en Sociología, Universidad de Barcelona Director de Investigación en Políticas y Sistemas de Salud, del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, México

Silvina Malvarez

Nurse. PhD in Health Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Titular Professor, Public Health School.

Nilda Peragallo-Montano

Nurse. Doctor of Public Health, University of Texas. Dean and Professor, School of Nursing. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.

National Visiting Professors

Mauricio Barría

Enfermero. Doctor en Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile. Director del instituto de Enfermería, Facultad de Medicina Universidad Austral de Chile

Báltica Cabieses

Nurse-Obstetrician. PhD, University of York, United Kingdom. Full Professor, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.

Ma. Beatriz Fernández

Socióloga. Doctora en Sociología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Profesora Asistente Instituto de Sociología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Ma. Soledad Herrera

Sociologist, PhD in Sociology. Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Luz Angélica Muñoz

Nurse. PhD in Nursing, Universidad de São Paulo Escola de Enfermagem, Brazil. Member of Viña del Mar University Board

Edith Rivas Riveros

Nurse and Obstetrician. PhD in Nursing, Universidad Andrés Bello. Associate Professor. Universidad de La Frontera, Chile.

Ana María San Martín

Nurse. Masters in Public Health, Universidad de Chile. National Director of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Chile.

José Sánchez Rodríguez

Enfermero. Doctor en Enfermería, Universidad Andrés Bello. Profesor Investigador, Universidad Viña del Mar.

Olivia Sanhueza

Nurse. Doctora en Enfermería, Universidad de Sao Paulo. Profesora Titular, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Marta Simonetti de Groote

Nurse-Obstetrician. PhD, School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Associate Professor. Universidad de los Andes, Chile.

Sandra Valenzuela Suazo

Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Ribeirao Preto, Universidad de Sao Paulo, Nursing School, Brasil. Full Professor Universidad de Concepción, Chile.

Evelyn Villalón

Enfermera. Magister en Gestión de Instituciones de Salud (MBA) Universidad Andrés Bello. Jefa de Departamento de Gestión de la Información. Hospital Salvador, Chile.

Jacqueline Wigodski

Nurse, Universidad de Chile. Community Manager at Enfermería JW.


Scholarships and Financing

Andrés Bello University has different scholarships for its doctoral students, to learn more we invite you to visit the Doctorates home where you will find Scholarships and Financing Opportunities.


Application Requirements

The PhD in Nursing Science program is directed to national and/or foreign professionals who hold a professional title of either, Nurse or Obstetric Nurse, with a Bachelor’s Degree on Nursing and/or a Professional Title whose level and study content are equivalent to Bachelor’s Degree, and who are seeking to both, deepen their current knowledge and acquire tools of research in the area.


For applying, you must send the following documents:

  • Photocopy of ID or Passport.
  • Notarized (legalized) photocopy of Bachelor’s Degree or Professional Title and Academic Grades.
  • Certification of grading for each undergraduate course.
  • In case of foreign students, photocopies must be signed off by the Chilean Consul on their origin countries as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chile.
  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Intention Letter: the applicant has to point out their motivation for entering the program, their personal strengths to finish the program successfully, the likeability to do the entire program and the projections they envisage once they obtain their PhD in Nursing Science degree.
  • Two recommendation letters (download format): At least one of these letters must be sent in by a professional with a PhD level and wide experience in research.
  • Research proposal (download form): Relevance and rationale of the proposed topic, potential contribution to both, the nursing discipline and people’s health; and the correspondence with the program’s lines of research will be evaluated.
  • Certificate of English proficiency: although this is not a requirement for applying, English certification of B1 level or higher will add points to the application.
  • Application form (download form example).
  • Declaration (download form).

Application process will be online. Documents must be sent to the e-mail address below. 

All documents must be sent to the Program Director’s email address, with the title “PhD in Nursing Science Application: Applicant Name». Once the documents are received and the applicant complies with the established bases, an interview with the program’s selection committee will be scheduled. The documents and the interview will be evaluated according to stated guidelines.

Alejandra Araya
Program Director
[email protected]